You, Aging, and Hormone Supplementation Therapy
April 12, 2011 by Dr. Marc Darrow, M.D.
Filed under Hormone Supplementation
Studies show that when we restore endocrine balance by augmenting hormone levels to their optimal ranges, quality of life improves and degenerative diseases decline.
Is hormone supplementation and age management medicine right for you?
Hormone supplementation has been practiced for decades. Commonly we hear of people who have been on “Thyroid” for over 30 years, and millions of women have been prescribed estrogen.
The typical patient who wants their hormones optimized are healthy middle-aged people that have started to notice some declines in their level of energy, who maybe for the first time in their lives “just didn’t feel like having sex,” who had lost some of the ambition and drive that they enjoyed only a few years ago.
They also notice that their waist line was getting a little wider and that things were sagging lower than before.
Is hormone replacement therapy right for you?
This is a decision you need to make with your physician. Before entering into hormone supplementation, please discuss the benefits, realistic goals, risks, dangers, and side-effects with your physician.