April 12, 2011 by Dr. Marc Darrow, M.D.
Filed under Aging
Researchers look at what makes people age successfully
Factors associated with the successful aging of the socially-active elderly in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. Rev Bras Psiquiatr. 2005 Dec;27(4):302-308. Moraes JF, Souza VB.
Writing in the medical journal Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, researchers studied some of the inhabitants of the metropolitan region of the Brazialian city Porto Alegre. What they sought to do was “identify the factors associated with aging of the socially-active elderly in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre.” Read more
Predicting Mortality: Researchers Have A Formula
From the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
ABSTRACT: “Context Both comorbid conditions and functional measures predict mortality in older adults, but few prognostic indexes combine both classes of predictors. Combining easily obtained measures into an accurate predictive model could be useful to clinicians advising patients, as well as policy makers and epidemiologists interested in risk adjustment. Read more
Researchers Say Marital Strain Can Affect Aging
You make me sick: marital quality and health over the life course. Umberson D, Williams K, Powers DA, Liu H, Needham B.J Health Soc Behav. 2006 Mar;47(1):1-16.
From the press release of the American Sociological Association:
“Researchers have found that marital strain accelerates the typical decline in self-rated physical health that occurs over time and that this adverse effect is greater at older ages. As men and women age, they become increasingly vulnerable to marital stress, according to a team of sociologists from the University of Texas-Austin and Ohio State University. Their findings appear in an article on marital quality and health over the life course in this month’s Journal of Health and Social Behavior, a publication of the American Sociological Association.”
Click here to go to our links page for the press release from American Sociological Association
Aging Men and Their Hormones
Writing in the medical journal Minerva Ginecologica, researchers say that “The ability to maintain active and independent living for as long as possible is a crucial factor for (aging healthfully)” and that “Interventions such as hormone replacement therapy may alleviate the debilitating conditions of secondary partial endocrine deficiencies by preventing the preventable and delaying the inevitable.”
Why Do Some People Age Healthily and Happily, While others do not?
Coping with Stress and Adversity May Be A Key
Arizona State University researchers will begin a five year study to examine how “factors of risk and resilience contribute to health and well-being.” Read more