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Dr. Darrow Interviewed on KCAL-9 CBS News : Healthwatch

April 12, 2011 by  
Filed under In the News

August 3, 2006

Healthwatch this afternoon: Is having dinner in bed the only thing that is hot about your love life, you might want to consider professional help.

Some doctors are using hormones to enhance the love life of some couples. Dilva Henry is here with more.

Dilva Henry: We hope it doesn’t apply to too many people out there, but for many people, definitely an issue. If the sizzle that use to be a big part of your romance has fizzled, there is hope, more and more couples are turning to hormones to get that loving feeling back.

Suzanne A is like many women going through menopause, hot flashes, mood swings, lots of sleepless nights, and her libido almost non-existent.

Suzanne: It was totally a lack of interest, the desire wasn’t there at all, there was no way to make you feel romantic, or ever like it was ever going to be part of your life again.

Husband John: It was frustrating, and it was stressful, it created a lot of anxiety.

Dilva Henry: But husband John tried his best to be considerate and patient.

Suzanne: If it was frustrating, he was very good. I was very lucky in that.

Dilva Henry: John’s patience paid off, Suzanne went through a series of tests checking hormone levels,
results showed her testosterone was also almost non-existent. Anti-Aging specialist, Dr. Marc Darrow:

Dr. Darrow: Her libido was gone, her sensitivity was down because her testosterone was down to nothing and that is usually a very easy thing to revitalize by just using testosterone.

Dilva Henry: And women aren’t the only ones susceptible to a low libido.

Dr. Darrow: Now on the male side we have the same issues as with the female….typically it happens a little later in life. Then we find that there is a loss of libido.

Dilva Henry: Doctors now know hormone supplements can also help men. If you can’t tolerate testosterone for some reason…

Dr. Darrow: Sometimes I give men progesterone, a woman’s hormone? No, it’s a hormone for men.

Dilva Henry: All explained in Dr. Darrow’s upcoming book, Loving Happily Every After

Dr. Darrow: The person has to be able to change their lifestyle in order to become a healthier person, a happier person.

Dilva Henry: And Suzanne did just that

Suzanne: It is very much back, and its back in almost a better way than it was when you were younger. You don’t have the children at home.

Husband John: It made a big difference and it just makes the whole relationship entirely different.

Dilva Henry: They are both happy now, when dealing with hormones it is very important to be in the hands of an expert and not self-medicate or buy products that you, your doctor, or your nutritionist, perhaps are not familiar with. For more information on hormone treatment and testing you can call Dr. Marc Darrow at 310- 231-7000.

She didn’t have any side-effects, really, some people might, but that is another thing that has to be discussed with your doctor. They are very happy they couldn’t be more loving and life is good again. Dinner is back on the table, and everything else is back in the bedroom.

Women With Higher Levels of Estrogen Have Prettier Faces

April 12, 2011 by  
Filed under In the News, Menopause

Researchers at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland announced that women who had higher amounts of estrogen in their urine were found to be more attractive than women who had lesser amounts. READ IT HERE


In the News

April 12, 2011 by  
Filed under In the News

Walking off Postmenopausal decreases in bone mineral density, aerobic fitness, muscle strength, and balance. Researchers writing in the medical journal Physical Therapy say that “Menopause may induce a phase of rapid decreases in bone mineral density, aerobic fitness, muscle strength, and balance, especially in sedentary women. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects and feasibility of an exercise program of 1 or 2 bouts of walking and resistance training on lower-extremity muscle strength (the force-generating capacity of muscle), balance, and walking performance in women who recently went through menopause.”
Read more



From our last issue…
Men and Testosterone More Body Mass…Diminished Testosterone
Researchers writing in the medical journal Archives of Andrology say total testosterone and SHBG concentrations proportionally diminished with both the increase of BMI (body mass index) and insulin resistance index. Read more



Intimate Activity and Level of Satisfaction in Middle Aged and Older Women
Researchers writing in the medical journal Obstetrics & Gynecology looked at women aged 40-69 for their levels of intimate activity and satisfaction, see what they found.

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Get Seminar InformationYou’ve heard them on the radio, now hear them in person! Marc Darrow, M.D., J.D., and Gene Steiner PharmD of Healthy Advice present information on Age Management Medicine, bio-identical hormones, lifestyle and health and more.

Prolotherapy, PRP, AGE MANAGEMENT MEDICINE, and other modalities mentioned are medical techniques that may not be considered mainstream. As with any medical TREATMENT, results will vary among individuals, and there is no implication that you will HEAL OR receive the same outcome as patients herein. there could be pain or substantial risks involved. These concerns should be discussed with your health care provider prior to any treatment so that you have proper informed consent and understand that there are no guarantees to healing.