Postmenopause and Cognitive Performance
April 12, 2011 by Dr. Marc Darrow, M.D.
Filed under Cognitive Function
Researchers writing in the medical journal Maturitas look into the nature of cognitive decline across a range of functions within a period of 5 years from early to late postmenopausal stage.
Elsabagh S, Hartley DE, File SE. Cognitive function in late versus early postmenopausal stage.
Maturitas. 2007 Jan 20;56(1):84-93.
CONCLUSIONS: Although there were no differences in attention, verbal fluency and memory, executive function was significantly poorer in the late postmenopausal stage women, suggesting that this aspect of cognition deteriorates more rapidly than other functions. This change was independent of change in age, suggesting that hormonal changes between the early and late postmenopausal stages may be responsible.