Why am I so driven to work in the age management field?
April 12, 2011 by Dr. Marc Darrow, M.D.
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Basically it was for my own personal, mental, and spiritual well being.
A few years back when I was in my early forties, I began to notice a significant decrease in my energy levels. In other words, I was dragging.
I also noticed that I was losing muscle mass, I was getting softer. I didn’t have the energy to “pump up,” anymore and I was not able to exercise at levels I was accustomed to. “Well, that’s it, I am getting old,” I thought.
I was at a medical convention and spoke to a colleague about “my condition,” and he suggested that I should get my hormone levels checked. When I got my test results back my testosterone levels were so low they didn’t make the charts; way below the normal of anyone I had ever seen before.
Suffice to say, my curiosity in hormone supplementation was sparked. Because my testosterone was so very low and testosterone is the well known builder of bone, I immediately got a Bone Densitometry Test to measure my bone density. I was stunned as the tech told me the news in disbelief. It was very low as well, putting me at a high risk for fracture. I was absolutely stunned, I had to stop a lot of sports I was doing, and loved. I realized that snow skiing, snow shoeing, water skiing, and surfing, some of my favorites, no longer existed for me. No more vacations in the snow or ice. No more high-speed water sports.
It was then that I started to study and research HGH (Human growth hormone), pregenenolone, DHEA, thyroid, Melatonin and the affects of diet on all of them and how the body works with this big maze of hormones to keep people feeling good, not only increasing quality of life but making them healthy on many levels. Initially, I used testosterone intermittently, because of the fear doctors projected based on the problems with body builders, and men with prostate cancer. As I researched more and more, I learned the healthy truth about hormones, and later began total Hormone Replacement Therapy.
As time passed, more and more patients arrived with similar issues that I had, and many with sexual dysfunction. Hormone supplementation was working miracles. I treated friends for free, and eventually learned the art of balancing female hormones. Many relationships were revitalized as the couples individually found their “mojo” again. Romance once again arose in couples that were ready to give it up, because they thought the chemistry was gone.
I have now been doing this work for years and continue to attend different seminars around the country to learn as much new research as possible. The field of age management medicine, as it is called by some is growing so quickly. Us baby boomers expect the best out of life, and demand the best quality of life, which is greatly enhanced by hormone supplementation. My goal in life is to remain young and loving, not only on the inside, but also physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. My children are my finest teachers.
Age Management Medicine
April 12, 2011 by Dr. Marc Darrow, M.D.
Filed under Uncategorized
You have made a decision to seek out our medical services because you are looking to increase your energy level – including sexual energy, reduce body fat, increase lean muscle, improve cognitive function, lower cholesterol, enhance mood, improve ability to handle stress, and strengthen the immune system so as to remain as disease free as possible.
We have created an experience designed to create a unique Executive Health Program for you.
It will take most of your day to undergo all necessary testing, explanation, and prescription. However, if you live close to our office, you can break this up into a few appointments.
April 10, 2011 by Dr. Marc Darrow, M.D.
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Age Management Medicine
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Suzanne Somers
“As my personal sports doctor, (Dr. Darrow) has never given me a drug for any of my injuries. He is of the thinking that unless a drug is necessary, it is better to allow inflammation to do nature’s work.” (page 130).
Patient Information
Darrow Sports and Wellness Institute and Prolotherapy Information
Marc Darrow, M.D.,J.D.,Q.M.E.
Marc Darrow, M.D., J.D., is a world recognized specialist in many chronic disorders. He has been featured in national publications, and television and radio shows, for his innovative approach to medicine. As the medical director of the Darrow Wellness Institute in West Los Angeles, Dr. Darrow has helped create an age management program for those individuals interested in maintaining a youthful, healthy vigor for adults through “middle age” and well into the senior years.
Why am I so driven to work in the age management field? Basically it was for my own personal, mental, and spiritual well being.
Read what Dr. Darrow has to say about how he got interested in age management!